Aircraft Booking System
Version History
Written by Keith Tallent
Email: ABSadmin@aircraftbooking.co.uk
1.0a (10/03/2001)
Initial release.
1.0b (28/03/2001)
Bug fix - odd number of group members in members table,
last member now split to a new row and column spanned.
1.0c (07/04/2001)
"Confirm" option added for Admin users.
1.0d (10/04/2001)
"Change Id" option added for Admin users.
1.0e (19/04/2001)
Fixed a security "hole".
1.0f (22/04/2001)
Added "Send Group Email" functionality.
Fixed bug in members table layout for small groups (<= 6).
1.0g (26/04/2001)
Fixed (another) minor bug in members table layout.
Added the ability to support multiple logins.
Added the ability to email details of multiple logins.
1.0h (18/05/2001)
Added Active Border links, that is:
Version History,
Group Reports and Stats (link only - page not active yet),
License Information.
1.0i (23/05/2001)
Help screens for Admin options added.
1.0j (01/06/2001)
Active border Group Stats now activated.
1.0k (20/06/2001)
Added total future bookings table to stats page.
Added "Book Whole Day" button.
Added "Cancel Whole Day" button.
Added "Confirm All Bookings" button (Admin Option Only).
Updated help (information) screens.
1.0l (26/06/2001)
Cleaned up login routine.
Added last modified date stamp to all messages posted.
1.0m (09/07/2001)
Corrected evaluation license reporting bug.
1.0n (17/07/2001)
Medical and Revalidation dates added to user details.
in preparation for new welcome/info page at login.
See below for details.
1.0p (22/07/2001)
New checklist page at login informing user of...
any current group message
any current personal message
no. of days until current medical expires
no. of days until revalidation expires
no. of days since last flight was booked (indicating currency)
1.0q (02/09/2001)
Fixed bug in the change identity admin option that was
causing replication of medical and revalidation dates.
1.0r (06/09/2001)
Added members total bookings YTD report.
(user requested update)
Added icon links to checklist page.
Improved database query performance.
1.0s (14/10/2001)
All pop up windows now self focus when clicked
(always on top !).
1.0t (29/10/2001)
Admin users can now set users passwords.
Slots booked by "other" users on the calendar view
are now active, click on them to send that user an email.
1.0u (11/11/2001)
Logout redirect option incorporated.
Groups can nominate a URL to be redirected to when the
LOGOUT button is pressed
(user requested update).
1.0v (17/11/2001)
Added the ability to auto fill username field on login form
via a bookmarked URL.
(user requested update).
1.0w (11/12/2001)
Group emails now sent to ALL members including the sender.
Users can now block Book/Cancel am or pm slots.
Admins are now sent copies of booking emails.
(All user requested updates).
1.0x (30/12/2001)
Aircraft details link added to checklist page,
shows aircraft data held in CAA database .
1.1a (06/01/2002)
Email Backup option added for Admins.
This option emails all future bookings to the requesting Admin user.
Other security enhancements added.
1.1b (26/01/2002)
Website moved to new server due to poor ISP support.
New improved backup procedures.
Additional revalidation fields added to checklist page.
Checklist icon added to navbar.
1.1c (10/02/2002)
Aircraft Details link on Checklist page only displayed for G- aircraft.
1.1d (20/02/2002)
Email notifications and Ebackup emails tidied up.
Adjacent bookings by the same person now appear
on one line rather than one line per slot.
(User requested updates).
1.1e (23/03/2002)
Cancel All My Slots button added/modified to be shown if user has
one or more slot booked so that all the users slots can now be cancelled
with one button press.
1.1f (29/03/2002)
Email notifications now sent to ALL members of the group with
notify option set.
Fax number added to users Contacts page.
(User requested updates).
1.1g (04/05/2002)
Note added to message pages to inform users of maximum
number of characters allowed in a message.
Browser caching disabled so all pages are forced to be re-read
from server.
Month "at a glance" added to calendar page.
(User requested updates).
1.1h (09/06/2002)
Users now have 3 options for receiving Email Notifications.
All, partial or none at all.
Partial = only receive emails regarding bookings that affect the user.
(User requested update).
PDF Manual link added to the "tools" page, allowing access to it from within
the system.
1.1i (04/08/2002)
User Admin pages added to enable group administrators to add,modify
and delete users.
1.2a (25/08/2002)
User Admin pages modified to allow current users details to be modified
but not deleted.
Checklist Page Aircraft Details section updated to hold due dates for
insurance, Annual/Permit and Next Check and also allows admin users to
change aircraft/group details.
1.2b (30/08/2002)
Ebackup modified to report current day bookings as well as all future bookings.
Reports modified to report current day bookings as well as all future bookings.
Admin users can now use the Partial email notification option.
(User requested updates).
1.2c (06/09/2002)
"Reports" option added to main navbar.
Active menu changed so that clicking on aircraft reg allows admin users to
edit aircraft and group details.
1.2d (29/09/2002)
Standard Reports modified
i.e. Stats "year to date" added, and weekday/weekend hours breakdown
Demo user is now an admin user and can see all options, although some
are disabled for security reasons.
1.2e (09/10/2002)
G-INFO aircraft details lookup removed at the insistance of the CAA!
Don't ask - Bureaucracy at it's best!
1.2f (27/10/2002)
Added the ability for admins to prevent group members from making
bookings via the Booking Access functionality added to the user admin
This also means that "read only" members can now be added to the
(User requested update).
1.2g (10/11/2002)
Added the ability to download all future bookings over the web into
Microsoft Outlook via a compatible CSV import file.
All future bookings are transferred and each of the current users bookings
are exported with time shown as "busy" and with a reminder set.
1.2h (28/12/2002)
Ebackup improved - emails now include CSV format of data as well as
readable textual report of all future bookings.
Checklist page modified so Group Admins now see when database was
last backed up. They are prompted to perform a backup if last backup
was over 7 days ago.
1.2i (17/01/2003)
Minor bug fix to csv download reports.
1.3a (15/02/2003)
Block Booking capability added on main calendar page.
New Block Booking form created.
Admin users can specify maximum Block Booking period allowed by using
aircraft update form.
1.3b (15/03/2003)
Minor Mods.
Calendar page help text expanded to cover new Block Booking capability.
All links updated to point to aircraftbooking.co.uk instead of thehangar.co.uk.
Active Border graphics updated as above.
Links to new "users forum" added.
1.3c (27/04/2003)
Checklist page:
All currency due dates now shown in red 2 weeks prior to expiring.
Messages highlighted in red.
(user requested update)
1.4a (07/06/2003)
Checklist page updated to show "hours to next check".
All users given access to update aircraft details form but only Admins
can update all the fields.
i.e. Standard users can only change "hours to next check".
Minor HTML bugs fixed in Checklist page.
User manual updated to show all new features.
Email gateway added to the system (see user manual).
Email reminders autmatically sent out when currency dates approach
expire dates.
(user requested updates)
1.4b (04/07/2003)
Checklist page modified to:
show Group Noticeboard Message, last modified date and by whom,
When EXPIRED DO NOT FLY messages are displayed they are now
clickable links to the update aircraft and update user details
forms. (user requested updates)
255 character limit on user messages and group noticeboard now
2.0a (26/08/2003)
Multiple Aircraft Groups/Single Login now handled.
Active border gadgets modified (now mode sensitive).
Change User Id removed.
Aircraft Admin pages added.
Checklist pages updated:
. SEP/MEP class rating modified.
. Night Rating Reval date dropped.
. JAP PPL expire added.
Just in time db and browser check added to prevent any possible
double bookings.
Group update pop up added allows group admins to update:
. group name
. group contact name
. group contact email address
. logout redirect URL
Many other minor mods.
Manual updated.
2.1a (25/12/2003)
New "All Bookings This Year" CSV report format added.
(user requested update)
Messages and Contacts pages modified to better display group/club
member info who have a very large number of members.
On the above pages the members lists are now displayed alpha
numerically for easier reference.
Email notifications are now sent out when messages are left in a
members mailbox. .
2.1b (06/01/2004)
The following Admin reports were added to the reports page.
List members currency (renewal dates).
(user requested update)
List any overbooking by members.
2.2a (12/03/2004)
ABS Textback (SMS Mobile Phone) Interface added to system.
Users can now send SMS message to system and be sent back SMS
message report of bookings (see user forum for more details).
Number of "Textback Tokens" are shown on the Aircraft Details
2.3a (15/07/2004)
Text Alerts (via SMS on Mobile Phone) added to calendar page.
Users can now setup a "booking watch" by using the Text Alert feature
on any date in the calendar.
Any changes to bookings on that date will immediately send a SMS
report of the change in bookings to the user (see user forum for
more details).
Textback Tokens are now "personal" and not assigned at group level,
i.e. each use has to purchase tokens. (User requested update).
Number of "Textback Tokens" are now shown on the Members Details
Form because of above change.
Minor bug fix on SMS report format and output.
Online purchasing of Textback Tokens and license renewal has been
added to the system - URL links on email reminders.
2.3b (17/10/2004)
ABS Textback info page added.
Active border changed to show Textback Token count and link to
top up page added.
2.3c (31/03/2005)
User definable date field added to database and system.
Users can define the title and also the date.
Date and title is displayed in checklist window with count down
as per other currency dates on the system.
(user requested update)
Multiple other minor mods made.
2.3d (16/04/2005)
Aircraft user definable date field added to database and system.
Users can define the title and also the date.
Date and title is displayed in checklist window with count down
as per other due dates on the system.
(user requested update)
Multiple other minor mods made.
2.4a (16/10/2005)
Aircraft next period checks now a pick list from
50, 150, annual, star annual, 500 mags and 500 u/c.
If none of the above are required then Next Check remains as an
Text2Email interface added (see user forum for full details).
(user requested updates)
2.5a (27/10/2006)
Group Update Form modified to be a full screen form.
Programme Configuration Options section added.
Show Booking Form Buttons toggle added.
More options to follow.
(user requested update)
2.5b (10/03/2007)
Block Cancellation capability added on Booking/Cancellation Form.
New Block Cancellation form created.
Maximum Block Cancellation period taken from Maximum Block Booking
Admin option on Aircraft Update Form.
(user requested update)
2.5c (17/03/2007)
Block Booking and Cancellation buttons added on Booking/Cancellation
Maximum Block Booking/Cancellation period taken from Maximum Block
Booking Admin option on Aircraft Update Form.
2.6a (26/08/2007)
Booking Form modified to allow Notes to be added to bookings.
The booking notes have been added to all booking emails sent out by
the system.
Booking notes are also viewable under the Notes icon on the main
Calendar page.
(user requested update)
2.7a (26/10/2007)
Additional User Defined date fields added to user and aircraft data.
Now have a total of 4 user definable fields, functionality as other
fields, i.e. email expiry/due notifications and on screen counters.
(user requested update)
2.7b (24/11/2007)
Blinking Highlighted Message Text added to Checklist page to bring
to the attention user has messages.
(user requested update)
2.8a (06/04/2008)
Added home airfield latitude and longitude co-ordinates to database
and group update form. This will be used for upcoming developments
around flight logging and position reporting screen and reports from
the system.
(These new features will require Mode S ADS-B out transponders in
2.9a (22/06/2008)
Major new functionality added, the ability to view historic flight
tracks in both Google Maps (2D only) and full view 3D flight track
information in Google Earth. Google Earth download shows full 3D
flight information which includes date, time, heading, altitude,
speed and squawk for each position report logged. It also has the
ability to animate all recorded flights for each day.
(These new features will require Mode S ADS-B out capable transponders
in your aircraft).
2.9b (10/04/2009)
Group members are sent notification emails if a Group Noticeboard
message or a personal message is left on the ABS system.
(user requested update).
2.9c (03/07/2009)
Group members notification emails if a Group Noticeboard
message or a personal message is created are now sent
"From" the actual user rather than Admin@aircraftbooking.co.uk. Also
"Reply-To" header is set as the users email address so any reply is
sent to the user rather than the system email address.
3.0a (18/07/2009)
Website refreshed with new icons.
3.1a (19/07/2009)
Added the ability to set a default aircraft to view in multi aircraft
groups so users do not have to select this each time they login.
(user requested update).
3.1b (27/05/2010)
Added date to version banner to show last software modification date.
(user requested update).
3.2a (29/05/2010)
Additional User Defined date fields added to user and aircraft data.
Now have a total of 6 user definable fields, functionality as other
fields, i.e. email expiry/due notifications and on screen counters.
(user requested update)
3.2b (24/06/2010)
Minor bug fix to checklist page and userdefined3 field.
(bug fix)
4.0a (18/04/2011)
Major update to whole site as it was moved to new hosting providers
due to ongoing issues with email services from previous hosting providers.
Now running...
PHP 5.2.16
MySQL 5.0.92
4.1a (28/05/2011)
Graphs added to standard reports.
(new feature)
4.1b (11/07/2011)
Minor bug fix around slash content in noticeboard messages.
(bug fix)
4.1c (29/08/2011)
Admin report for members currency modified so that any expired dates are
now highlighted in red.
(user requested update)
4.1d (13/02/2012)
Aircraft check hours field expanded to 3 digits as some users had this
Corrected small bug with missing dates in email subject headers when
block bookings and block cancellations were made.
Fixed bug where Lat and Lon position not being stored properly on Group
Details page.
Added the option for payment of txtback tokens by PayPal as well as
(user requested updates)
4.1e (13/02/2012)
Pop Up Google Earth/Map Viewer added to Group Details page, this will
show Home Airfield by default (i.e.Lat and Lon entered as home
airfield location).
(new feature)
4.2a (10/12/2012)
Users can now modify their own passwords but they must retype password
in an additional box and both passwords must match.
Name, email and password input now checked for "blank" input in all cases.
(user requested update)
4.2b (12/12/2012)
Bug fix that aircraft user input fields were changeable by all users.
These should only be updatable by Admin users, chnages have been made
to the Update Aircraft Details and Checklist pages to reflect this.
(bug fix/change of bahaviour)
4.3a (23/12/2014)
Minor bug fix for some PHP 5 changes.
Google map links updated to API v3.
General website icon refresh to Windows 8 (Metro) style.
(bug fix and icon refresh)
4.3b (12/05/2016)
Minor bug fix for single aircraft groups when adding new users.
(bug fix)
4.3c (25/08/2016)
Minor bug fix for user admin form not saving any updated information.
(bug fix)
4.3d (15/09/2016)
Users can send traditional email using their local email package
Send from contacts screen using
This method enables attachments to be sent if required.
(user requested update)
4.3e (19/01/2017)
Dates in drop down lists adjusted and 9999 added to cover life long
or non expiring dates.
(user requested update)
4.4a (10/02/2017)
Reports revamped to show all group aircraft details especially for
multi-aircraft groups. Single aircraft groups no impact.
(user requested update)
5.0a (18/11/2018)
Major update to whole site to upgrade to using latest versions of
PHP and MySQL.
Now running...
PHP 7.2.12
MySQL 5.6.21
5.1a (26/10/2019)
Major update to whole site to upgrade to using latest versions of
PHP and MySQL.
Now running...
PHP 7.3.10
MySQL 5.7.28
5.1b (02/08/2020)
Minor update to correct emails that were being sent with incorrect
From: header details
5.2a (22/11/2021)
Major update to graphing tools to bring them up to date with PHP v7.4
Whole site updated and now running with PHP v7.4 as PHP v7.3 is end of
5.2b (05/03/2022)
Minor update to tidy some pop up forms and change size of text input
boxes throughout the site to suit widerscreens now generally in use.
6.0a (26/11/2022)
Major update to whole site to upgrade to using latest version of PHP 8.0
7.0a (18/11/2023)
Major update to whole site to upgrade to using latest version of PHP 8.1
Graphing Software updated to PHP 8.1 compatible version
7.0b (13/02/2024)
Bug fix due to changes in database dates format no longer accepting zero
Update to use Google Earth to view Home Airfield location.
7.0c (11/04/2024)
Added a links on checklist and group update pages to view recent flight
information via FlightAware website.
7.0d (19/04/2024)
Minor mods to tidy things up and added clickable logo for FlightAware
flight tracking website.
7.0e (04/10/2024)
Newly created users are now automatically their login details when
(user requested update)
Currently Under Development
Update manual pages to show latest modifications.
Future Development
Add the ability to upload/download group documents to the system.
Ability for system to manage additional resources (e.g. Instructors,
life jackets, dingy, etc)
Re-write admin confirmation page to make more user friendly.